Outdoor gear and equipment needs protection. Our Dry Boxes are designed rugged and built to travel the harshest outdoor environments on the trails or wherever your travel takes you. Dry Storage Boxes are tough boxes and designed with the outdoor enthusiast in mind.
Superior Quality: You can expect our Overland Vehicle Systems Dry Boxes are manufactured to withstand the elements, provide excellent performance and durability. Our Dry Boxes are manufactured from Durable Polyethylene LLLDPE Material, built-in Strength Ridges to add structural durability, Military Grade Dustproof and Waterproof Gasket Seal, Ballistic Handles, Heavy Duty Latches, and Perfect weighted lid to ensure a tight seal when closed.
Application: Universal Usage; The Overland Vehicle Systems Dry Storage Box is ideal for storing your tools, dry goods, recovery gear, clothes, or anything you need to keep dry during your Outdoors Adventures. Automotive, Marine, RV, SXS, Off Road, Overland, Camping, Hunting Gear, Fishing Gear, and etc.
Bottle Opener, Two Locking Points, Heavy Duty Latches, Handles, Dustproof and Waterproof Seal
Durable Polyethylene, LLLDPE Material
2 Handles
2 Latches
Dustproof/Waterproof Gasket Seal
Bottle Opener
Cleaning: Soap and Water
53 QT
External Dimensions: Width 26.00” X Length 15.56” X Depth 14.25”
Internal Dimensions:
Internal Box: Width 20 ¼” X Length 9 ½” X Height 10”
Box Lid Cavity: Width 19 ¾” X Length 8 ¾” X Height 1”
Weight: 20 Lbs
External Dimensions: Width 31.10” X Length 18.31” X Depth 16.81”
Internal Dimensions:
Internal Box: Width 25” X Length 12 ¼” X Height 12”
Box Lid Cavity: Width 24 ½” X Length 11 ½” X Height1 ½"
Weight: 27 Lbs
117 QT
External Dimensions: Width 47.00” X Length 19.00” X Depth 13.00”
Internal Dimensions:
Internal Box: Width 46” X Length 13” X Height 9”
Box Lid Cavity: Width 41” X Length 12” X Height 1 ½”
Weight: 38 Lbs
169 QT
External Dimensions: Width 37.00” X Length 23.00” X Depth 20.00”
Internal Dimensions:
Internal Box: Width 31 ½” X Length 16 ½” X Height 15”
Box Lid Cavity: Width 30 ½” X Length 15 ½” X Height 1 ¾”
Weight: 56 Lbs.
Overland Vehicle Systems Dry Box Storage Solutions comes with a 4 Year Limited Warranty. Overland Vehicle Systems warranty includes coverage for products with manufacture defects in materials and workmanship. Coverage does not include products with a color mismatch or misuse.
★★★★★Gabriel P.“love the fact that for almost every item they have a YouTube video for it, great product, great service, 🤙🤙🤙”
Toa Alta, PR
★★★★★Josh B.“Fast, responsive, and when I contacted on some confusion they were helpful even when it was a manufacturing upgrade that just had no update on the new hardware they were now providing. Great experience with Tacomabeast and been a YouTube subscriber for years!! 🔥💯”
Tehachapi, CA
★★★★★Derek D.“Fast shipping, and high quality products I highly recommend TacomaBeast for anyone looking to upgrade their rig or buy sick swag!”
Loris, SC
★★★★★Brady H.“Tacoma Beast is my go to website for mods for my tacoma. I have order numerous things off of it and each item impresses me more than the next. Almost all of the mods have a video linked to it to show you how to do it. I will be buying more from tacoma beast, thank you guys for what you do 🙏”
New Market, VA
★★★★★Roland G.“Ordered many times from Tacomabeast and every experience is excellent..Fair shipping prices to my remote location in Hawaii...Will continue to do business with them thanks”
Kailua-Kona, HI
★★★★★Beverley S.“Great site and known at the Toyota dealership in Lake Charles La.”
Vinton, LA
★★★★★Allison J.“TACOMABEAST has GREAT customer service and they respond to you within a timely manner. Shipping was incredibly fast and all items were packaged carefully!”
Oklahoma City, OK
★★★★★Matthew S.“Super fast shipping, and friendly service. Love the packed by note you receive in the package. I will definitely be ordering from you guys again.”
Pine City, MN
★★★★★Michael K.“Dealing with T B is was a pleasure. From web description, to product selection, to install video, to commucation and delivery. Well done TacomaBeast. Thank you.”
Franklin, TN
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